Under the Mount equipment (commonso available to all classes) is stated that it's possible to upgrade the mount with a single accessible trait and add the extra point cost to the base of 15 points for the common mount. If doing so, however, this requires taking either a faction or class trait that only applies to the mount.
Now, 2 questions:
First, and most easily, assuming my faction builds around earth to gain the sphere bonus of +1 toughness, if taking a faction or class trait -outside- of this sphere (like, say fire), does this negate the +1 toughness for the models, or will they retain it because this new trait applies solely to the mount?
Second, since a normal mount pretty much only provides a movement boost and I want to spice it up a little. Can I take the primal sphere trait 'Twilight Beast' as a class trait to give the mount Monster2, and thus provide it with 2 cool monster traits? Like for example, to giveit claws to attack with. Furthermore, I assume this is only possible after faction creation due to the extra progression cost attached to it?
Thanks in advance!
First Question: Yes it will remove it, but only for the mount. A model cannot have another sphere
Second Question. Yes. That is a way to make a mount and its been a cool way for people to create mounts of various types. They get expensive.
Suggestion: Use one of your classes to create a Monstrous Mount. Taking Monster X replaces your faction traits with X new ones for the class. It also gives you a new starting stat line of characteristics, and you can take Mount (in the monsters section).
What this does is create a class that you can develop later as you play that is a mount and even create a hero type mount later on possibly for another hero. We've seen some crazy mounts in playtesting, like massive giants (Undead and Biestial), dragons, underground monster worms/centipedes, etc)
There is another post in the 1st Age Factions called "Creating a Mobile Platform on an Undead Giant" one of the playtesters made after I asked him to create something for a specific model from Mierce Miniatures. Crazy build.
Tbh I don't know everything possible and factions are always surprising me. Even some of the most classic fantasy builds can be quite exciting.
Don't worry about questions. Thats what the forums are for, exploring the system.
1) If two guys can fit on it they can hitch a ride. Only pay the point cost of the mount you are using.
2) yes. Even better if the rider gets shot off, another rider can get on! In a squad of mounted warriors if someone loses their mount and cannot keep up (happens) they become their own squad.
3) Yes if the power targets the squad yes. Many powers target a model, in which case the rider would be effected or the mount.
4) Because I know its coming next. Can two models get on a mount that are not part of the same squad from the same class? yes. They would become a single squad to be activated together. Some Classes have rules to also join other classes like Level 3 Leaders in Humanoids joining Level 1 or 2 Classes.
Other brief comments because in house we are very much entrenched in the following ages. Transports can carry multiple squads with extra passenger compartments. Motorcycles and Jetbikes work very much like mounts in the 1st Age.
The crew operating the vehicle can also get out of their vehicles, dismount, and or get out of their mech for things like claiming objectives, or anything else they might need to do. Some of our testers even equip them with pistols just in case this happens or is needed.