We are doing another QnA session. Here is where you submit your questions or things you find that might be in the books. We will be updating the digital files with things that need to be updated in the coming weeks. So lets dive in and see what we have, and realize that the Apocalypse expansion is coming on Monday the 25th of October.
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Dev QnA Revelations the 2nd Age and Apocalypse Expansion. 10.29.2021- 9am PST
Dev QnA Revelations the 2nd Age and Apocalypse Expansion. 10.29.2021- 9am PST
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Some additional last minute questions
1) How do the restrictions on the Arcane Secrets and Sacred Faiths branches in the second age work if you use Timeless ability to acquire traits from one of the first age branches that would normally allow access to the aforementioned 2nd age branches?
2) The arcane secrets and sacred faith branches say that you need "Forgotten Lore" to access them, however forgotten lore is not a trait or ability I can find. Is this supposed to be Forbidden Lore?
3) If you use Timeless ability to grab a Forbidden lore trait from the first age (for example the humanoid Forbidden Knowledge trait) does that instance of the forbidden lore ability let you select a trait from a first age branch or a second age branch?
Taking dual weapon could you take martial hammers and martial axes since both are 4pts?
If I have improved weapons: advanced weapon strength on my Martial axes
Could I take
masterwork weapons: improved weapon 1 strength and apply it to martial axes
Stacking the strength enhancement?
If that dosnt work could I do it with weapon forges
Could I share through weapon forges improved weapon if a class already has it?
First age question.
For Dwarves the the trait that gives armory hammers 4pts.
Is this suppose to be martial hammers?
Looking at the Oni in the core rules it looks like they retained their armory use on common and primitive.
But the monster of myth and legends says that monsters don't get access to armory unless given by traits.
Is this a mistake in the Oni section or did they retain the use due to still being a Beist faction.
Looking at the Oni in the core rules it looks like they retained their armory use on common and primitive.
But the monster of myth and legends says that monsters don't get access to armory unless given by traits.
Is this a mistake in the Oni section or did they retain the use due to still being a Beist faction.
Additional last second questions
1) increase size x is not a separate ability defined in the back of the book, does this mean it is covered by the increase x ability and therefore doesn't stack from various branches?
2) The increase max properties ability is listed as a separate ability from increase x, does this mean that increase max properties is an enhancement and does stack from different branches?
3) The monster x ability causes the class it is applied to to lose its faction/ species traits. If you choose a trait that gives monster x as the trait to apply to the common mount equipment does the mount retain or lose its base size of large and mount ability?
Well I was hoping to get the expansion before posting these but considering I have a mountain of questions I figured posting them now would give you time to answer them. I've tried to separate them into categories such as "general", "Humonoid", ect. INCOMING WALL OF TEXT. GENERAL: 1) Should the primitive armor have the same note as light, medium, and heavy armor about stopping ranged weapons with a strength of 4 or more?
2) On page 14 it says Breakthrough bonus traits, what qualifies as a breakthrough trait for advancing into the second age?
3)Is it safe to assume that with the Fey's and Biests ability to make a level 4's and reptilia's ability to make a level 6 the progression point costs
for classes should be:
level 1-200pts
level 2-400pts
level 3-600pts
level 4-800pts (new class)
level 5-1000pts
level 6-1200pts (new class)
4) Progressing from 1st to 2nd age. How does one do that exactly? Do you stock up on unspent progression points and then go back to 0 after you advance?
Or is it just a total accumulated points that you have earned and then you just advance when you reach the threshold? So do I need to earn 10k unspent points
or just accumulate a total of 10k points (whether spent or not)?
5) Changing Domains. Can you do it with captured slaves or a class made through Soul Rupture/Possessed? Thinking a slave uprising.
6) The 40% point cost advantage I am assuming that regardless of the points each side has it does not change the fight. For example we decide to
play a clash of war at 2000 points Army 1 is 1st age, Army 2 is 2nd age with more than 5000 PP between them. This means that player 1 is
allowed 2800 points, as this is over the limit of Clash of war, this does not matter as the “bonus” points are not counted when determining the conflict?
7) Page 37 under devastating hits on vehicles “Destroyed Vehicles should have wreckage approximately the size of the vehicle to place on the tabletop which
will not grant hard cover among the ruins.” So as it specifically says it is not hard cover I am guessing it is soft cover?
8) Page number for Phenotypic Morphs on the index (page 9) should be 170, not 134.
9) Can you reduce the points of a class below the minimum if you used Slave/Spawn/Mongrelism? What I mean is if I have 7 traits and my level 0 costs 10 points (possible in humanoids) and I make a level 1 slave, does it go to 5 or 7 points?
HUMANOID: 1) Zombie Virus Strain gives both positive and negative enhancements, yet the stage two infection "Improved Function" removes one negative characteristic modifier. Should the Improved Function say remove one negative enhancement instead or is the Zombie Virus Strain modifying the base stats of the class/faction, leaving the level 0/1 of humanoids a ranged of 0?
2) If I take Mongrel with Rare Adaptive Traits 4pts: Rare Traits 2 and since Mongrelism and Rare traits combine into one trait that is now over 10 points and Mongrel will not let you have a trait over 10 points, what happens? Do I lose Rare Adaptive Traits and all the ones combined or since each trait started at under 10 points it still works?
3) Does the Human starting trait count for minimum point cost? You have to have a min of 4 traits, and if your point cost is less than the number of traits your cost = to the number of traits, so if my point cost is 3 based on the traits I take is my base cost 4 (minimum traits taken), or 5 (minimum traits taken + the starting trait).
4) Is it really required to take a level three trait (“Goblyn Tank Army 2pts + 200 progression...) before you can take the level two “Specialized
Goblyn Tank Crew 2pts: … Prerequisite Trait: Goblyn Tank Army”?
5) On page 19 under Albinism 2nd Tier traits you have “Genetic Abnormality 5pts: Mirrored Trait 1 – traits from Humanoid Mutation only” how ever there is
no section Humanoid Mutation, so does this mean anything that is considered a mutation?
6) The Gigantism trait, Genetic Monstrosity grants Genetic Monster 2. Genetic Monster X gives you bonus traits from the Genetic Monstrosities section of
Revelations of Genesys-2nd age. So uh, where is the section for Genetic Monstrosities?
7) 1st age humans could have Deep Dwarf and Dwarf, now they have restriction that can not have the other, is this going to be added to 1st age?
8) 1st age humans are required to have 1-2 Knowledge and Science traits, but 2nd age are required to have 2-3, so how does this work if you age up but only have one knowledge and science trait? (Unlikely I know, but a what if they just went as fast as could with out spending anything trying to level up).
9a) Arcane Research Branch in humanoids 2nd age. It specifies that humanoids cannot take any traits from this branch, without forbidden lore, unless you had FACTION traits from this branch. What if I have a class with traits from this branch, can I still give it new traits from this branch?
9b) Can I use Forbidden Lore to take a Arcane Secrets trait, then later pick up a 1st tier trait (with progression points) allowing me to drop the Forbidden Lore-Arcane research trait while still retaining access to branch? So the example would be I take Forbidden lore-arcane lore 18pts then with progression points I pick Wizardry 10pts, then I drop forbidden lore-arcane lore while I still have wizardry letting me access the rest of the branch?
10) Can I make use the humanoid Specialist class's Specialist trait, which state they ignore prerequisites, to take traits from the Arcane Research Branch (Or Sacred Faiths) without using forbidden lore?
11) If I use the Specialist class's specialist trait to take a 2nd tier trait and then build the next level class off of it, can I keep taking 2nd and/or 3rd tier traits without needing the 1st tier trait?
12) Under Religious Leader X, the blessing Commandment 4pts: Command Value. I'm assuming there is supposed to be a number after the word value?
13) If I advance a humanoid faction from the 1st age to the second age, do I gain the starting trait "Humanoid firearms"?
14) Just to be clear, when you take a new starting faction trait through the use of Alternative evolution and it applies an increase to a characteristic does that increase stack with traits outside of its branch? Example Adaptive Advantage (branch)-Adaptive Advantage +1 ranged as a starting trait (applied to starting characteristics) stacks with Military Training-Targeting Ranges +1?
15a) Automatons and Clockwork Monster points are based off your technomancer level. Is this the Class of the model or the number of Technomancy it has?
So would a level 3 class with Technomancer 2 make a 12x2=24pt Clockwork Monster or 12x3=36pt Clockwork Monster?
15b) Do I need to have the Technomancer in the game for the Automatons and/or Clockwork Monster like Golems need the model with Golem Construction?
16) Do you still follow the rules for making an Automaton/Clockwork class level? So for a level 3 class clockwork monster, with only technomancer 1 humanoid,
its base 12ptsx3=36 points then the monster X and Class traits?
17) The Rule for Tesla Coils say it gives X strength and X piercing for Tesla Coils X (Page 164) but on page 32 under the Steampunk armory trait "Tesla Coils"
there is no X. What is the value of X?
18a) When using the trait, Environmental adaptation trait-Scientific Breakthrough: Rare Traits 2 (Knowledge and Science only), do those 2 combined traits then become adaptation traits for the sake of something like specialized adaptation 1? The idea I'm trying is, in the 1st age, using forbidden lore->timeless ability->modern firearms
on a class, then using Scientific Breakthrough to give both Weapon forge traits, and then using specialized adaptation 1 to make it weapon forge 3 so that
I can have a 1st age faction with 3 classes able to take modern fire arms. 18b) If my fancy plan to get Modern Firearms in the 1st age works, does the rule "Special and Advanced Ranged Weapons strength 4 and higher reduce all
Armor and Deflection bonuses." Apply to first age equipment as well?
19) Do I require access to the weapons when I make the Combo Weapons X? So if I wanted to mage a shotgun axe in humanoids I would need the trait Modern
20a) Combo Weapon X. Can this be only Melee+Melee or Melee+Ranged, or is Ranged+Ranged allowed?
20b) If Ranged+Ranged is not allowed, is there any way to do this? The only option I see is the single shot grenade launcher, which makes no sense because in the real world you can fire more then 1 grenade from the underslung launcher, and the real world rifle with underslung breaching shotgun (which is named the Masterkey..for obvious reasons) wouldn't be possible either.
21) MMG, HMG are listed as Stationary, even for vehicles, Bionics, and/or Exoskeleton Suits?
22) So is it intentional that no one can get First Aid Improved any more?
23) Just making sure that I am reading this right, I build an Exoskeleton suit and as it has Self-loader this takes care of any Loader 1 requirements that a weapon added to the suit might have. So I can but an Autocannon on it and move and shoot, but if I was to drop down to a MMG I can not as it has the key word Stationary. Is this correct?
24) The only way to get twin weapons is Twin Barrel Autocannon, or Twin Cannons (for light medium, or heavy)? So it is not possible to have twin (or quad) MG's like in
25) Under Grenade Launcher it says that you can have both ammo types and switch between them. But what is the advantage to doing so, both have a 3” blast,
and once you paid the points why use a strength 3 over strength 5? I can see why to save a few points may want one, but no advantage to switching between the two.
26) What is the definition of primary weapon? If I wanted to make a WWII Lee/Grant tank with a 75mm Gun in the body of the tank, and a 37mm Cannon in the turret is this possible? How as you can only have one main gun?
27a) For twin barrel autocannon and Quad Barrel Autocannon you need the trait Automatic Cannons (Armory) to unlock them correct? 27b) Do you pay the full points for each of the twin/quad?
28) Military Cannons I am assuming that they are Armory and it is just missing the tag?
29a) Is Early Mech Walker Armory or points to the class that is crew?
29b) I am trying to make a Weird War II Walker that is effectively a Sherman Tank on legs, the rules say that “The primary weapons are replaced by a hull mounted weapon or two armature appendages (arms) which can be fitted with weapons” So is this saying that I am not able to use a turret at all? Or am I still allowed to take that option?
30) What is the cost of the hull mounted weapon? It says “Hull Mounted Weapon + Cost of weapon” for the Coaxial it is 5pts, but no cost is listed.
31) The 37mm Light Infantry Mortar for the smoke bomb says “Large Blast 3”” I am guessing that this is supposed to be 5”?
32) From medium cannon on they all have access to HEAT rounds, Heat rounds have “Shells grant High Strength Bonuses the ability to pierce through and ignore both Armor and Toughness” What does this mean exactly? Is it supposed to be the high strength reduces armor? Then how come it says it on the 80mm cannon with only
strength 8 (max age limit) when it doesn't reduce armor?
FEY: 1) Abiogenesys origins, since this trait becomes a starting characteristics does it stack with all other spheres in that path or just the sphere the trait originated from? 2) Abiogenesys origins says "To gain the Bonus of the Abiogenesys Origins trait you take an additional point cost equal to the cost of the trait" to me that reads you would add the cost of the trait again, so an 8 point trait normally with Abiogenesys Origins would now be 16 points BUT in the Dark Plague faction on page 245 it shows the bonus being applied without adding the additional point cost. Which is correct? 3) Fey Armory traits. Can I take them as a faction trait with progression points?
4a) Are the Fey Particle Lances one handed or two handed? What About the Heavy Particle weapons?
4b) If Fey Particle lances are one handed, can I dual wield them? If Dual wielding can I shoot both weapons or only one?
5) Chaos trait-Chaos Warrior gives Fey Body Armor II. Is that just supposed to be fey body armor or does the II mean something?
6) Is it intended that, when checking for opposing spheres, that Hatred and Righteousness spheres are supposed be opposing as well as congruent?
7) For Chaos Weapons X, it says I choose any domain's armory trait. Does that then give me the armory trait while ignoring any pre-requisites? For example can I take Radiant Particle Lances (Path of Light required) when I chose darkness as my path?
8) Does the Timeless Ability X act in a similar manner to non-monster hybrid traits or forbidden lore, in that it lets you keep selecting from that branch/age?
9) Does Timeless Ability X let you select a trait from a branch's 2nd tier traits if you have a 1st age, 1st tier trait? For example can I take Chaos-Chaos Champion (1st age, 1st tier) then through Forbidden Lore->Timeless Ability 1 take Chaos Vehicles (2nd tier 2nd age trait)?
10) Hate X works on any attack from any range? So if I get shot at by a 140mm cannon or a Flamethrower I can use Hate 1 to remove the attack?
11) If I take regeneration X on a non-living model, it does nothing correct? Or does it heal the toughness now since that is essentially their new wounds?
12a) It says Fey Lvl 4 Avatars can take 1st and 2nd tier traits during creation, this means no disciplines correct?
12b) Making a stand alone faction, can I add extra traits to an avatar? If so how many and any additional costs?
13a) Sphere Genesys and creating your own Sphere of Influence. The traits that are required to be known by the Paragon are those class traits only or do faction traits count?
13b) When you make your own Sphere of influence does it now replace your current sphere or do you have to replace all the traits from it with your own?
For example if I have Skeletal from the sphere of death and I take it as my own sphere trait, do I spend/earn the progression points to replace Death-skeletal
with "custom sphere"-skeletal?
14) Death Opposing Sphere of influence is exalted, shouldn't it be ascended?
15) Eternal Gift-Eternal Death does not specify friendly models. So if I have a level 3 undead fighting off enemy undead then I bring them back as well? Are they
At least under my control then? Because it seems really dumb to give my opponent back their models I just finished destroying...
16) Since Fey Armory Traits are not part of any sphere, can I add them to an Avatar Class model? 17) The traits Future Rewards and Determinant Outcomes give the ability Possible Outcomes X, which does not appear to be in the book.
REPTILIA: 1) Since this really never came up in my games till 2nd age. If I have Invincible 5 can I still be crit since invincible says my save cannot be reduced below 5 (in this example)? For example the faction Amon'Core Tempest Juggernaut Fey Construct with its 17 strength and 10 martial hit my model with 8 Toughness and they roll high enough that I cannot make a save (4+ does the trick) since I have invincible I cannot be reduced below X on my save, if I fail that save do I still take critical damage?
2) If I have a reptilia Bloodline and lineage traits from the 1st age and advance to 2nd age, do those count towards unlocking traits of the same bloodline/lineage in the 2nd age?
3) Upgrading a bloodline does that mean I replace the traits as well? What I mean is I have ophidian bloodline 1st age and then I upgrade to Ophidian Bloodline 2nd age do I replace the 2 bloodline traits with 2nd age traits as well as possibly losing any that the bloodline gives bonus ones? Troglodyte comes to mind, it goes from bloodline 2 to bloodline 1.
4) Coalescent breath does not give you the bonus trait to take a breath weapon, it just allows access to it correct?
5) Long Lived grants wounds X per age, does something like the Tautara's Eternal Beast Long Lived 3 give the model 3 wounds or 6 wounds? Also does this
exceed the maximum age bonus?
BIEST: 1) The Biest trait "Regional Specialization X: Regional Specialization 1" on Page 101, what is X?
2) Taking Monster 4 on a biest class turns it into a monster from whatever kingdom it was before hand and removes all species/faction traits. Since monster X lets me take traits from the domain the class originates from can I take something like the Bor Kingdoms Armor Plating (Armory) trait with the Monster X?
3) The Greater Ursidae Trait gives the ability Regional Affinity 2- Arctic or Caverns. I'm guessing Artic is supposed to be Tundra?
4) Mountain Mutation gives the ability "Biomorph 2- Melee Only", I'm guess that's phenotypic morph?
5) Rattling Infestation X says "when used as a multiplier for higher level classes full cost of the class is used, not the reduced cost", does that mean if I have it on a class it is applied AFTER the multiplier and not before? Because it kind of reads that if a class has it that has a cost multiplier it doesn't do anything at all.
INSEKT: 1) If I make an insekt swarm class and give it endless swarms, then take new species traits through progression points, upping the classes base cost, would that model lose endless swarms?
2) page 125 for insekt's Genetic Hybrid. Biestial Hybrid should have the ability biest hybrid 1, correct?
3) Insekt Carrier says "Carried Insekts", does that mean if I take the trait with Forbidden lore with a different domain I cannot carry that domain's
4) Clarification. If a Flying model with Insekt Carrier is killed/destroyed in the air, and since it ejects all models from it when it dies, all of the carried insekts/models take damage per the falling rules?
5) If I take one of the Infectious Bio Weapon traits, I need the corresponding Natural weapon to use it or do I get it for 0? Example would be I take Hemotoxic
Venom so do I get claws, talon, or stinger 0 to use the venom?
One question that was not answered from the last QnA (only one I think)
Q92A- As you can use more than one natural weapon in a single activation, just making sure you have to specify what attack is using what natural weapon, as they can not be combined, correct?
NUMBER OF ITEMS A MODEL MAY CARRY A model may be equipped with a number of Weapons and Equipment up to (but not more) than the model’s Discipline: • A single model may be equipped with no more than two Weapons. • For Military Weapons or Equipment operated by multiple models, all models count the shared Equipment being used against their total items they may carry. im abit confused on the way this is worded. does this mean that if I had a model with 6 discipline I can have a total of 6 pieces of equipment on that model but only ever 2 "equipped" at one time. for thrown weapon if I have 6 throwing axes and a model with 4 attacks could I throw 4 axes with my attacks? or is it limited to the 2 equipped items.
Anonymousdutchman has been hoping that you would expand the roles in discord.
Like roles as Admin, communicator and those who read and improve the grammar?.
He's asked acouple times about it and would like to know if you been thinking about doing something this.
Okay, I'm copying over some questions from the discord as well as my own here. I've probably missed a few but I'm trying my best to cover all of them.
1) Insekt variant classes, these allow you to swap out a a class or species trait. If you replace a species trait, does the new trait still count as a species trait for rules and costs? Certain traits like hybrid traits work differently if selected as a species trait as opposed to a class trait.
2) Insect Variant classes cont. If you swap out a species trait on multiple different variant classes, can you make different selections each time? For instance if one variant class swaps out a species trait for Combined Insekt Classification and selects a classification to be combined with, can a second variant class also swap out a species trait for Combined insekt classification and select a different classification from the first variant class?
2a) Can a variant class choose to change the choices of an existing class or species trait without replacing the existing trait in question?
Example 1, An insekt class with the inseta classification has Combined Insekt Classification as a species trait and has chosen Arachnea as their second classification to combine with, the player creates a variant class off this class and wants to change the choice of Arachnea to Crustacea for the variant class, is this possible?
Example 2, An insekt class has Humanoid hybrid selected as a class trait and uses it to select The Pursuit of Knowledge trait from the humanoid academic knowledge branch as the bonus trait granted by Humanoid Hybrid X. Can a variant class be made that instead selects a different bonus humanoid trait from another branch entirely?
Additionally to example 2, if the base insect class not only selected The Pursuit of Knowledge trait as the Bonus Trait granted by the Humanoid Hybrid ability, but also as an additional class trait selected Scientific Method, as hybrid abilities open up the entire branch to the class, can the variant class still reselect the bonus trait granted by the Humanoid Hybrid ability to a trait of another branch, and what happens to the other humanoid trait selected if they do?
3) How exactly does progression to the 2nd age work? Does a faction increase to the 2nd age as soon as they acquire 10k progression points whether they've spent it or not? or is it when that amount has been spent on the faction? or do you have to have 10k unspent points to pay to "age up"?
4) When transitioning from 1st age to 2nd age, do changes in traits immediately take effect? Some traits exist between the two ages with the same name, but different abilities or values or point costs associated with them, do those changes immediately take effect?
5) The Ogre trait from the gigantism branch of the humanoid domain has the variant species ability in the second age book, but the same trait in the first age book does NOT have the variant species ability. Is this correct, or is one of the two a typo?
6) The 5th level humanoid class in the second age book doesn't look correct. It shows a maximum properties of 1, max class traits of 3, and only +1 base attack. Compared to the level 5 humanoid class in the first age these values seem to be in error, are they correct?
7) There are some traits in the second age book that grant the bonus class ability but do NOT have the "Species/Faction trait only" restriction. The wording on the Bonus Class ability in the back of the book seems to suggest the ability does nothing if taken as a class trait however, is that correct? or can traits that grant the Bonus Class ability that aren't restricted to Species/Faction only be taken as class traits and still grant a bonus class?
8) If a faction uses timeless ability to take a 2nd age trait that grants bonus classes, does this grant second age classes in all cases, or only in cases like the Steel Mounts trait that specifically grants vehicle classes?
9) The 2nd age book states when advancing to the 2nd age your faction gains 2 "breakthrough traits". What are breakthrough traits?
10) There seems to be nothing to prohibit insekt swarm classes from being given any chosen piece of available equipment, is this correct?
11) Fey body armor. There are 4 traits that grant Fey Body armor and they seem confusing. The Protection sphere grants "fey body armor" for 8 points flat, the Fire and chaos spheres both grant "fey body armor type II" each also for 8 points flat, and the fey armory branch grants fey body armor for 10 points +4 points per enhancement. What is Fey body armor type II? Does the enhancment value not effect the cost for the fey body armor if taken from the protection, fire, and chaos spheres? or are there errors in these values?
12) The Chaos Weapons X ability states that it allows you to imbue the selected weapons with an imbued power as long as you already have that power available, however if you already have the imbued power available wouldn't you be able to apply it to the weapons anyway? Can you explain what this ability is intended to do?
13) If a first age faction uses timeless ability to take a second age armory trait, can they then use weapon forges to distribute that second age armory item to other classes in their 1st age faction?
14) When you use rare traits to make a new trait out of two or more other traits, what branch does that new trait belong to for purposes of stacking and trait categories?
15) The rules for Combo Weapon do not state that you have to have access to the chosen armory items you are combining. Is it intended that you can only select from armory items available to the class or faction?
16) The rules for insekt powers state that the Psychic Awareness ability is required to cast powers granted through the fungi branches, however much like in the first age, in the second age the harvesters branch offers no access to psychic awareness. How are harvesters supposed to cast powers in either the first or second ages?
17) Flangelliform Web Morph, does the penalty provided by this morph stack for each model with the morph in base to base contact with an enemy model? If it does, how high can this penalty stack? is it capped by the max age bonus, or some other factor?
18) I have noticed that the Long range missile weapon has "Stationary (even for vehicles)" listed among it's properties, however I'm unable to find any rules saying vehicles of any age can ignore the stationary property or restriction associated with ANY weapon, which would mean that second age vehicles of any variety would be unable to fire a medium machine gun while moving since it has the stationary property as an example, similar to how there's no rule saying that 1st age vehicles can ignore the stationary rule of heavy first age weapons. Is there a rule I've missed?
19) Is the trait selected using the Abiogenesys Origins rule free if you do not choose to increase the value of one of the associated abilities, or do you always pay the point cost of the selected trait, and pay double the point cost if you choose to increase one of the associated abilities?
20) How does the Battlefield Scavenger trait in the 2nd age book work? The way it is presented is very confusing. Do you get the choice of "Scavenger 2" or "Bonus Trait 1", or Do you get Scavenger 2, and choose if it appplies to common weapons an armor, or an armory trait from any domain?
21) How does the trait selected via Abiogenesys Origins interact with the fey single sphere bonuses and incarnate classes?