hey all! ;)
ok, I thought I read somewhere that the size sqaud sizes differ per "..." points?
so you would use the discipline stat to determen how many you can take in a squad, say discipline 3... you can take up to 3 in a squad….
however… i thought this goes up per how many points you play… or am i wrong(can t find it in the books though..so mabey i'm wrong)
grts, B_H
ok, so I guess I will have to go with the later one?
grts, B_H
ok, is this viable ?...
the basic spicies proflie;
25 pts.
Strength; 3 Toughness 3 movement 4
Martial; 4 Ranged 2 Defense 3
Duscipline 3 Willpower 2 Command 3
Wounds 1, Attacks 1, Size 1
and I will add, trailfinder; 6 pts; +1 Movement….
in this case the wolves are as strong as a man and little bit faster
31 points
Flog of big birds;
the basic spicies proflie;
25 pts.
Strength; 3 Toughness 3 movement 4
Martial; 4 Ranged 2 Defense 3
Duscipline 3 Willpower 2 Command 3
Wounds 1, Attacks 1, Size 1
and I willl add Humannid Monster 5pts (monster of myth and legend); Hybrid Monster 1, Class trait only.
and then add Monstrous flight 12 pts; flight
42 points
ok, watched the book again… it seems that you need a Monstruous X trait in your choosing. I am working of a huminoid faction… so that means i can only take a hybridx trait? and not a monstruousX one?
Ok, just flipping the pages..I could also go for a Monster of Myth and Legend...taking the Monster(monsterX) pts.
The goal; modelwise , they exists out of wolves(and i will be using the same rules for flogs of big birds)… so i am looking to make packs of them…. howerever monster x... how many traits can you add?
I am thinking of Strong Creature 5 pts; increase strenght 1
Impressive Physical Characteristics 18 pts; increase strengt 1, increase toughness 1,increase movement 1
Focused discipline 8 pts; increase discipline 2
31 pts...
am i doing this right? or am i doing something wich cant be done?
grts, and thnx in advance :)
ok, thx... will have to see, how I squize the animals in... or I could let them all be cavalry… or going for 1 trainer with war animals…. just have to try a game with them in both ways… ;)
ok, thanx :)
One other thing, If I take the trait;
- Trained Animals 2 pts: War Animals, ...ok if I look at that trait, it has both War Animlas as War Beasts? or is War Beasts another trait?
hey!ok, i found the answer at page 38 of the core book.
it says; 500-1000 pts
lvl 1 class; discepline x2
ok, when releate this to my other question (the one with war animals) does this bump the number of war animals , or does do this do nothing...and should i just add discepline traits at the "trainer" ? grts, and thx in advance :)