I'm trying to adapt my idoneth deepkin (Age of Sigmar) to genesys, I'm not too concerned with the rules being similar and I don't even intend to, but I would like to capture at least the appearance of the miniatures in the game.
I currently have some doubts:
1 - the limits on the number of classes are very restrictive, especially for those who create stand alone factions (which is the reality here in the city where I play) and for factions that have many unusual (monstrous) mounts. I just don't see how it is possible to create a class for each unit + to each mount with only 2000 progression points, musch less represent at least half of the HQs (leaders), any sugestion?
2 - on page 120 of the book of the first era it mentions the Vehicle skill, but I did not find it in the book: "This also means that a dead driver can be replaced with another model that has the Vehicle ability."
3 - any suggestions on how to represent this miniatures in the game? I thought of putting a war chariot or wagon (because of the mounted weapons) being carried by a flying mount (but wagon can't fly)

You are correct that wagons do not have rules to fly. The dragon in the above class would not be pulling the wagon in the air.
Also of note. In general an army like the Idoneth Deepkin from the Age of Sigmar. We did specifically not create factions with that many available classes when a faction is first created with the intention that they can be built up through gameplay.
However if you really wanted to build additional classes for a faction and everyone else is on the same page you are playing, then go for it. Likewise you could create a single faction and then have two or more separate class set ups for it and bring the ones you want to the game you are playing. As in different underwater kingdoms or groups of the same species type of thing.
going by the images, the shark would be a chariot (flavour and fluff) and the turtle would be a monster with the flight and wagon trait
if the mount that you equip the wagon to has flying then the wagon can fly
I can not really help, as have not done more than look over the vehicles section, but did notice P121 under War Chariots " When pulled by Mounts that have Flight, a chariot may pay +25pts to be able to be pulled through the air." I do not know if this helps or not, but just in case you missed it (I know I have missed lots).