The Revelations of Genesys: the 2nd Age and The Exodus of Genesys: the 3rd Age are both well under way and it's time for a preview of just what you can do with the future Ages of the Genesys Project.
To all Existing Players and Faction Builders: This could very well change how and what you are doing currently playing the game in the 1st Age.
From the dawn of time we lived in fiefdoms, enslaved the powerful, worked to death, bred for food,labor, and war, but now........ until one day we discovered what was forbidden to all. We learned the secrets of what lies past the shadowy veil of reality, and rose beyond our humanity to become something else. And today we are no ones slaves and shall bring pain and suffering to any who dare contemplate caging our kind. Let them come.
Today we are talking about creating a faction in one domain during a previous age and the realms of possibilities as you further advance into a future age- Changing your Domain-
While everyone knows you can create your faction in any age you want to and even play from one age to the next there are some interesting things that make this progress something incredibly interesting.
What does this look like? Well if you started off within a single domain..... Lets say your Biest or Insekt faction, as in our narrative description above in the 1st Age. At some point during gameplay you took a trait that grants you Forbidden Lore with one of your leaders, and start accessing traits within the Fey (say pain). It will be possible to switch domains upon entering the 2nd Age.
How do you do this? While we are not going to get into the real depths of it (although it is really simple), if you have a Faction Trait in a different domain, you can change your primary Domain for the new age you just entered. While you could have a Class Trait in another domain (specific to a single class or two), only a Faction Trait in the other domain is required.
What does this mean? It means that new Classes, New Traits, etc are all going to be taken from the new domain throughout the next Age. You are essentially leaving behind the previous Domain. You will not be able to build new classes from existing ones, but because you can build new classes, or replace existing traits, the limitations are only within your own imagination.
So your Humanoid faction could literally ascend to the heavens and become entirely a Fey Death Faction. Your Biests could change over to Humanoids to focus on technological advances. There are literally tons of options that open up to you as you move into a new Age for your faction.
In the Genesys Project you can create a massive epic narrative of your faction from the beginning of time through to the end of times and beyond.