Ok here is my second faction. I have gone for a Biest faction this time with a focus on monstrous Avian's. This is a faction that i have based around some models that I really like and wanted an excuse to buy and paint.
It's a lot more complicated than my first faction I think and I have tried to learn form my mistakes there, but I am bound to have gotten plenty wrong so if anyone notices mistakes then please say so. I have utilised the monstrous beast trait a lot, so I am particularly nervous that I have misunderstood that somewhat.

Essentially the rules have a 25% of the fielded army can fly above the board during the game. This is a balance issue for the game, and also includes Subterranean models.
This subject was something that we went over and over with during playtesting. Of course the other flying models would just be flying at ground level.
I love the concept, but you might benefit from at least 1 non-flying unit purely for gameplay purposes. I forget the exact number off the top of my head, but I do know that 100% flying is a no-no. Might be beneficial to have a Level 1 class of flightless monster to dig in, hold objectives, and otherwise distract enemy units from your fliers. When i picture it in my head, I think a lancer unit atop war ostriches could be one of the most amazing things ever.
Thanks for the help. I'll look at both of those.
I there is just so much choice when you get to dealing with the monstrous biests, it's great.
Looks good. The one thing to look at is on the Lesser Griffin. I think you forgot to add the Strength +1, Toughness +1 and size +1 from the ability listed.
One last thing is that Biest classes tend to get a lot of class increases to characteristics. I did not look through carefully but not certain you added to the Characteristics +4 you get for your level 5 class. These don't cost anything and stack. Would make you feel quite a bit more powerful there.